Summer Filmmaking

Projects Galore

This summer has been filled with travel, adventure and, of course, filmmaking!  Here is a brief rundown of what I have been working on.


A screen capture from the introduction to my new show

I was invited to create a regular program on WYOU, Madison's community access television station. Windmiller Media Theater premiered earlier this summer and serves as a showcase of the many short films I have produced.


In July I spent a lovely Wisconsin morning filming Monica Kamal fishing on Lake Waubesa, along with her partner Steve. Monica suffered a severe spinal cord injury several years ago and lost her ability to walk, but this has not kept her from enjoying the outdoors. She also hunts and bird watches, as well as leading a group that supports outdoor activities for people with mobility challenges.

Photo: Steve Spaeni

I met Monica several years ago and was impressed with her enthusiasm and good humor, and decided I wanted to make a short documentary about her when I had the chance.  The chance is now.  I will be filming her again in the near future and will then get to work on completing a short profile of her.

Photo: Steve Spaeni


This summer I have worked as the Production Manager for documentary in the works at Tarazod Films called Benjamin's Ride.  This film will tell the story of an autistic boy named Benjamin, and how is parents found ways to enable him to express himself.  My work has been to organize and support film shoots that reenact earlier moments in Benjamin's life.
Assisting Robert Lughai (right) of Tarazod Films on a shoot for Benjamin's Ride.
Aiden Campbell (far left) and his sister Megan posed for the camera. Photo: Colin Cameron


And of course, I am happy to turn my personal adventures into film.  In late July my wife and I took a Sierra Club backpacking trip through the Ansel Adams wilderness in the Sierra Nevada.  In addition to enjoying the beautiful scenery and appreciating an exceptionally well-organized trip, I also took some time to record myself narrating the experience.  A video travelogue is soon to follow.

Describing the scenery at Iceberg Lake in the Ansel Adams Wilderness, Sierra Nevada, California.

One week after our Sierra Club trip, we competed in The Pretty Good Race, a homegrown Iowan version of the TV show The Amazing Race.  Jill and I took part along with five other teams in a race that began at a mosque in Cedar Rapids and made its way to Strawberry Point, Dyersville, Marquette and many other towns before ending at the Grant Wood Schoolhouse in Anamosa.  It was an exciting day! (And we finished in second place!)

I recorded us in the car using my GoPro attached to the rearview mirror and used a simple point and shoot the rest of the time.  It was great fun!

The Pretty Good Race begins. I turn on the camera while Jill reads the first clue.