On Going Work on WNBR Documentary

Recent weeks have been a virtual bootcamp of basic film production.  With repeated interviews for my documentary work, I have mastered the process of entering a room with film equipment, picking the best angle, setting up the lights, setting up multiple cameras, putting mics on the talent, and conducting an in-depth interview.  And then, when it is over, I pack it all up again, put the room back to how I found it, and get out of there by the time I promised.
With Robert Lughai (left) monitoring the cameras, I
conduct an interview for Why We Ride Naked.

The first interviews happened with the expert help of Robert Lughai, of Tarazod Films. But the last two I did completely on my own. It has been a rewarding experience, to say the least.
I use a slider dolly to capture footage of an art
class in Kenosha, Wisconsin. (Photo: Robert Lughai)

The biggest filming day was June 18th, when I organized a team of four videographers and one interviewer to capture Madison's annual World Naked Bike Ride.  With several planning meetings and a lot of map research, we managed to pull off a complex shoot and get complete coverage of the event.  It was a huge success.

Here I meet with Jeff Blankenship (right) on a location shoot 
for the documentary Why We Ride Naked, while my wife 
Jill and crew member Claire Roberts-Staley look on.
(Photo: Jess Haven)